Sunday, April 18, 2010


So as of right now...I forget that there is a two hour time change and most of my friends and family are in Texas...
When I do blog it is like 8:30 here and 10:30 at home.

Oh ya the results....My HCG was 240 today! We almost tripled from Friday. Which is great. We are having a great start to this pregnancy. I have no more blood test we just let nature take its course now. We have our first ultrasound on April 30th. My doctor said we should see a heartbeat and see how many gestational sacs there are.
I looked at this beta page today which is HCG. Gary and I were playing around with the numbers. My HCG right now is higher than a median single pregnancy and a little lower than a twin pregnancy. However my HCG rose 2.71% points, if it continues to rise like this by the 24th day we would be at 12,900 HCG's, which go ahead and hold your breath would be the HCG of a women carrying triplets. AHHHHHHH.....I know I am a bit competitive. Three of my friends have recently had twins. I just might have to one up them. HEEHEEHEE.
Oh ya I meant to mention this yesterday and I forgot. I am not sure how though~
Gary and I have a good friend who is an OBGYN. We called him and told him our numbers on Friday. He sounded concerned with our numbers. I don't think he quite understoond that our numbers were 14 days post egg retrieval, but whatever. I went to bed pretty worried on Saturday. Gary and I got up and were running some errands. One of our errands was to go to Costco. Gary ran around Costco wanting to show me all this stuff. I was getting a little annoyed. As we were standing in line, Gary croaks," I sure wish we could talk to Dr. Abusief." I knew then that she had to be around. I turn and there is our fertility doc. She was so happy to see us. Did I mention that my two fertility doc's are on maternal leave!!!!!! Anyway, she reassured me that 88 was a phenomenal number this early! What a God thing that we saw her! I was worried about the number until I saw her!
Now, I am really feeling relaxed. I certainly know we are not out of the woods, but we are off to a great start! Thank you Jesus for all that you have done!


Lisa Dawn said...

Yea! Thanks for the good news before you left today. Made my day! Will keep praying...

Heather G said...

Amazing! How nice that God tossed a doctor in your path right when you needed some encouragement. He's pretty great that way.
So excited about your numbers. I'm checking every day!

Kathryn said...